Passive Fundraising
Supporting F.Ave can be as simple as a few clicks on your computer! Here are a few easy passive fundraising opportunities.
1. Box Tops for Education - Box Tops has gone digital! Simply download the Box Tops for Education app and enter “Fifth Avenue Upper Elementary School” as your school of choice when you join. Scan your receipts and F.AVE PTO will get your support.
Amazon Smile - Visit and select “The Academy at 5th Avenue PTO” as your charity of choice. Shop away and earn money for F.AVE! Tip: Make sure you’re using to shop in order for F.Ave to benefit!
Kroger - Register your Kroger Plus card online
here. Choose “The Academy at 5th Avenue PTO” as your community organization. At no cost to you, F.AVE gets money every time you shop for groceries!
Publix - Follow the directions
here and choose “The Academy at 5th Avenue PTO” as your Publix Partner School. Go stock up on back-to-school food and support F.AVE!