- Drop-off begins at 8:00.
- Please pull up to the curb going north on Avery.
- Carpool traffic should head north on Avery, with feed in lines at Kirk and Bucher.
- Drop-off students directly in front of the school at one of our three unloading stations.
- WP Staff will assist students with opening doors and unloading as needed.
- Parents/guardians: Please stay in your car.
- All carpool students should enter through the front door of the building where we have monitors ensuring their safe arrival in their classroom.
- Passing other cars in the carpool line.
- Making U-turns on Avery.
- Turning around in driveways.
- Leaving your car unattended.
- Dropping your students off before 8:00.
- Parking within 2 blocks of the school.
- Joining the carpool line at Inman/Avery.
- Blocking the crosswalk.
Joining the carpool line:
Join the morning carpool line off of Bucher or Kirk and not Inman.