- City Schools of Decatur
- Bus Registration
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Thank you for choosing the CSD Bus for your transportation needs—the safest way to travel to and from school.
Step 1
Can I Ride?
Step 1
To determine if your student is in a bus or walking zone, please visit infofinder. Then, proceed to Step 2: Register for the Bus.
Step 2
Register for the Bus
Step 2
After locating your bus information, please confirm your choice to use CSD transportation by completing the registration form.
Step 3
Stopfinder App
Step 3 (Optional)
Once you have registered for transportation services, you will receive an invitation email within 24–48 hours from the Transportation Department inviting you to log into the Stopfinder Bus Tracking App.
Note: Only the student's primary contact listed in Infinite Campus will receive the invitation to download the Stopfinder App.