- Clairemont Elementary
- Response to Intervention Overview
Response to Intervention
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Program Overview
Response to Intervention (RTI)
The overarching purpose of RTI implementation is to improve educational outcomes for all students using a team approach.
Response to Intervention (RTI) provides a framework for us to ask the following questions:- Are our students learning?
- How do we know what they are learning? And most importantly ...
- What are we prepared to do when they do not learn, or they already know what is to be learned?
The essential components of our RTI include the following:
- Providing scientific, research-based instruction and interventions in the general education classroom;
- Monitoring a student's progress in response to these changes in instruction and interventions; and
- Using this information and data to shape instruction and make educational decisions.
How can I help my child?
(Source: Forsyth (GA) County Schools' Parent Pyramid of Interventions)- Read to and with your child every day.
- Obtain a library card and visit the library often.
- Ask your child about his/her school day.
- Monitor and help with homework.
- Initiate a communication with your child's teacher, regardless of performance.
- Ask for a conference if you notice that your child is experiencing difficulties.
- Praise your child for good work and progress.
- Maintain regular communication with your child's teacher.
- Attend Curriculum Night and other school-sponsored events.
- Assist your child with preparation for the school day - school attendance, breakfast, adequate sleep.
What should you do if you have concerns about your child's academic or behavioral progress?
- Notify your child's teacher and ask for a conference.
- Gather home information related to your child's specific strengths, homework samples, attitude about school, test scores, previous school experiences, peer relationships, and challenges.
- Participate in problem-solving discussions with the school staff about your child's specific strengths and needs.
- Participate in Response to Intervention (RtI) Meetings and assist school staff with monitoring your child's progress towards meeting specific, measurable goals.
How does RTI work?
RTI uses a four-tiered process to systematically develop and deliver instructional and behavioral interventions to struggling learners as well as very high-level learners. It provides us with a common focus and a common language regarding instructional practices and interventions. It can serve as a way to explore all avenues to assist students in their learning process.
The City Schools of Decatur Response to Intervention Support Process utilizes a problem-solving framework and data-driven decision-making process through each tier. This process consists of the following components:See - the learning problem
Plan - an intervention to address the problem
Do - implement the intervention
Check - to assess the effectiveness of the intervention
Tier 1
Tier 1 focuses on standard-based classroom learning. All students participate in general education learning that includes implementation of the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS) through research-based practices such as flexible grouping, varied instructional strategies and monitoring of progress through multiple formative assessments and analysis of student work.Tier 2
The provision of supplemental interventions to support needs-based learning is the focus of Tier 2. The “at risk” student who did not demonstrate sufficient improvement at Tier 1 will receive interventions at this level that more intensively target a defined academic or behavioral need.
Tier 3
Students are moved to Tier 3 when efforts at Tiers 1 and 2 do not yield substantial improvement as determined by the RtI Team. At Tier 3, academic or behavioral support is more intense and frequent. The support and interventions are also much more individualized than at Tier 2 as specific interventions are added to the plan.
Tier 4
When efforts at Tier 3 are determined by the RtI Team to be insufficient for the desired progress, a referral for evaluation for special education or gifted services may be made. Students served at Tier 4 are those who qualify for those services based on IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act), gifted assessment regulations, or English Learner (EL) regulations.
Contact Us
City Schools of Decatur RTI Specialist
Madge Willis