Attendance is an essential component of a student’s academic success. When students are absent or arrive late, they lose important opportunities to learn. Tardies and absences can prevent children from succeeding academically and socially. Letters will be sent home at various markers for both excused and unexcused absences and tardies. You are considered tardy if you arrive at or after 8:00 AM. Please refer to The Student Code of Conduct for specifics on this topic.
At Clairemont, if your child is sick or out for some other reason, please either call the office or send an email/note, so that we can indicate the type of absence that occurred for the student on their records. We do our very best to keep these records accurate. Mistakes may happen, so please touch base with us if you notice an error in the attendance report. When you email the teacher about an absence, please cc Mrs. Kimberly Alexander, our School Manager.