- Glennwood Elementary
- Helpful Contacts
Helpful Glennwood Contacts
If you need help with administrative requests, contact our Assistant Principal, Summer Clayton at sclayton@csdecatur.net.
If you need help with general school or registration questions, Michelle Reynolds is our School Manager - mreynolds@csdecatur.net or call 404-370-4435 ext. 0.
If you need help with curriculum or academic questions, contact our Instructional Coach, Ms. Jill Tolsma at jtolsma@csdecatur.net.
- If you have a medical-related questions, contact our School Nurse, Ms. Lea Di Leo at lea.dileo@csdecatur.net.
If you need help with a counseling request, contact our School Counselor, Mr. Jonathan Blase at jblase@csdecatur.net.
- For instructional technology or library questions and help with the Glennwood website, contact our Library Media Specialist, Dee Anna Rittenhouse at drittenhouse@csdecatur.net.