• Kindergarten Arrival

    Kindergarten students will enter through the front main entrance of the building and walk directly to their classroom. Because parents are not yet allowed in the building, we ask that they say goodbye to their child before sending them into the building. There will be plenty of staff members there to assist our K students in getting to their classrooms. Also, we recognize that for some students (and even parents), this can be an emotional time! It’s usually best for parents not to linger at dropoff time as it may make things more challenging for students as they make their way into the building.

    Arrival and Dismissal for All K-2 Students

    Providing a safe arrival and dismissal routine are a high priority for our staff. Please read over the following all the Arrival and Dismissal Procedures that were emailed to you July. If you need another copy, please email Dee Anna Rittenhouse at drittenhouse@csdecatur.net.