Learning Expeditions

  • One of EL’s flagship structures is the Learning Expedition.   An expedition is an in-depth, interdisciplinary plan of study with lessons making real-world connections.  Open-ended, thought provoking guiding questions help guide the learning process.   Students reflect on these questions and recognize their deepening understanding of a topic or concept.  

    Expeditions provide opportunities for students to do authentic work for an authentic audience.   This real-world connection provides motivation for students and presents opportunities for service learning. Expeditions draw together personal experiences and intellectual growth to promote self-discovery and construct knowledge.  

    Special areas (Spanish, Art, Music, and Physical Education) are authentically integrated into expeditions.  Students demonstrate their learning in final products, which are presented to a real-world audience when possible.  Oakhurst’s EL Showcase/Celebration of Learning Night offers families a chance to be guided through the learning process leading up to the final product.