EL Education Schools

  • EL Education is a model for Learning that is Active, Challenging, Meaningful, Public and Collaborative. EL Education students around the country outperform their state and district peers on standardized test. Teachers, staff and administrators focus on student engagement and developing life-long learning habits to achieve academic goals. EL Education emphasizes five Core Practices within its schools:

    Curriculum: Our approach to learning makes standards come alive for students by connecting learning to real-world issues and needs. LearStudents gathering information downtown for Expedition ning Expeditions are
     challenging, interdisciplinary, real-world projects and in-depth studies that act as the primary curriculum units in EL Education schools. Learning Expeditions support critical literacy and address key academic standards of content and skills, while promoting character development and fostering a service ethic.

    Instruction: In EL Education schools, teachers use strategies and techniques to help students become active and collaborative learners: to make connections, to find patterns, to see events from different perspectives, to experiment, to go beyond the information given, and to develop empathy and compassion for events, people, and subjects. Learning targets guide student learning fostering ownership and responsibility for learning. Capturing student thinking and learning through inquiry, problem-solving and critical thinking sets high expectations for student engagement.

    Assessment: Standards-based learning targets guide assessment that involves intentionally scaffolding student learning experiences until students can demonstrate mastery on an independent level. Assessment and data collection are ongoing and helps inform teachers’ instructional decisions. Students are involved in their own assessment through reflection, critique and individual goal setting.

    Culture and Character: The whole school is involved in establishing a culture of respect, responsibility, courage and kindness. Teachers, staff, administrators and students are intentional in their commitment to fostering citizenship and quality work. Setting expectations and celebrating achievements bookend the deep, rigorous and meaningful work teachers and students engage in throughout each day and the year.

    Leadership: Schools are guided by a cohesive school vision focused on student engagement and achievement. Leadership is fostered at all levels and with all stakeholders to promote continuous improvement.

    To learn more, please visit the EL Education website at eleducation.org