- City Schools of Decatur
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- Master Planning and Construction
- Master Planning
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Master Planning
The facilities' physical assets are not static; there are continually changing; there are affected by use, wear, age, weather impact, obsolescence, failed installation, improper repairs, etc. We conducted meetings with advisory groups and consultants to discuss issues around facilities conditions, facilities enrollment projections, planning, etc. Additionally, we collected the information from the consultant team, gathering projections, campus utilization, and other data. Part of the information stated the following:
- Current & Future Challenges
- History of growth & enrollment projections
- FTE implications
- Current Facilities conditions
- School capacities
- School projections & renovations
In our planning process for the CSD long-range facilities master planning, we have community involvement with the input from all stakeholders to understand priorities and needs for our facilities. As a result of conducting the Facility condition assessment, we identify the elements that require attention and that will create conditions for potential hazards and the interruption of the normal operations.
Facilities Master Goals:
- Preserve and maintain facilities and ground of School District.
- Promote sustainability and social responsibility
- Provide a safe, healthy, and productive facilities environment.
We conducted a facility assessment approach through several aspects:
- Physical assets as an inventory
- Maintenance and Repair Cycle
- Maintenance Schedules
- Applicable regulations, codes, and standards.
- Occupant service and requirements