- City Schools of Decatur
- Finance
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The finance division aims to support student achievement by enhancing the district's fiscal responsibility, supporting school operations, and strengthening community relations. Finance oversees three key funds – the general fund, capital projects, and special funds, including state and federal grants and student activity accounts. Other finance responsibilities include collaborating with internal divisions and schools to effectively manage the annual budget, accounting, audits, financial reporting to state and federal bodies, funds and debt management, payroll, benefits, procurement, and accounts payable.
The finance department at City Schools of Decatur manages three major funds of the district – the general fund, capital projects, and special funds (state and federal grants, as well as student activity accounts). The finance department is responsible for the annual budget, accounting, auditing, financial reporting to state and federal agencies, cash management including any debt, payroll, benefits, purchasing, and accounts payables. Many of these functions are interdependent with schools and departments, so teamwork among principals and administrators is paramount.FY26 BUDGET PRESENTATIONS
FY2026 Budget Calendar
FY2026 Budget Parameters and PrioritiesBUDGET BOOK
2025 Budget BookBUDGET
2025 Budget
2024 Budget
2023 Budget
The City Schools of Decatur is in the process of building the Fiscal Year Budget. We are interested in input from the community and all stakeholders on any budget suggestions, concerns, or questions that they may have. Please provide your feedback regarding your priorities for the Fiscal Year 2026 budget.SCHOOL SYSTEM FINANCIAL INFORMATION
HB 139, passed during the 2018 Legislative Session, requires each school system to post a link to the financial information site provided by the Georgia Department of Education. Click this link to review City Schools of Decatur's financial information (773-Decatur City).
The district’s fiscal year is July 1st through June 30th. The audited financial statements are usually presented to the board mid-year.2024 Audit
2024 SPLOST Audit
2023 Audit
2023 SPLOST Audit
2022 Audit
2021 Audit
2020 Audit
2019 Audit
The finance department works closely with the human resources department with each payroll as it relates to salary, benefits, and leave. City Schools of Decatur’s payroll specialist processes payroll for all employees twice per month. Regular full-time and part-time employee pay is annualized and paid equally over 24 paychecks, so consistent pay is distributed during breaks such as winter break, spring break, and summer break. Employee benefits and deductions are also divided into 24 paychecks.
Purchasing is a decentralized process at City Schools of Decatur. Principals and administrators are responsible for making purchases that are within budget and aligned with the school improvement plan and/or the goals of the district. The accounts payable specialist assists all schools and departments with the purchasing and payable process. A purchase order is required for all purchases regardless of the dollar amount. The finance director reviews purchase requisitions for accuracy in the use of state chart of account codes. All purchase orders in excess of $5,000 require quotes or bids and are reviewed by the superintendent. All invoices are sent to accounts payable to be matched with the appropriate purchase order. Upon approval from the principal or administrator, accounts payable prepares a check to pay the invoice and is mailed to the vendor.
All Financial presentations to the Board of Education are housed in eBoard.
Contact Us
Chief Financial Officer
Dr. Lonita S. Broome
FAX: 404-378-6586
Kelly Glover
404-371-3601 x 1104Coordinator of Financial Operations
Monique Parker-Bailey
404-371-3601 x 1022Payroll Specialist
Cathy Karmakar
404-371-3601 x 1061Accounting & Reconciliation Specialist
Kim Do
404-371-3601 x 1051
Purchasing Specialist
Kattina Abram
404-371-3601 x 1021Accounting and Audit Specialist
Stephanie Walker
404-371-3601 x 1057